Easiest Way to Make Tasty Crunchy French toast

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Crunchy French toast. Crunchy French Toast is a cereal crusted french toast recipe that's a delicious twist on an old classic. Thick slices of bread are dipped in a cinnamon batter and then coated in crushed cereal. Kid-friendly, crunchy French toast, made with sliced bread, eggs, milk, vanilla, and coated with crunchy cornflakes crumbs.

Crunchy French toast Dip each piece of bread into the egg mixture and then press gently into the cereal. Crunchy French ToastThe most delightful French toast ever! It's basically French toast dipped in an extra-thick batter, fried, and then rolled in cinnamon and Instead of rolling the fried French Toast in cinnamon and sugar as in the original recipe, I simply. You can cook Crunchy French toast using 7 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Crunchy French toast

  1. Prepare of Sliced bread.
  2. It's of Eggs.
  3. Prepare of Chocolate spread.
  4. Prepare of Coco-pops.
  5. Prepare of Cheese balls.
  6. It's of Cinnamon.
  7. Prepare of Milk.

The best french toast recipe has texture—this one has it, thanks to a crunchy panko breading. This is French toast for one, and for one alone. Crunchy French Toast is coated with a crispy coating of crushed Cornflakes and flavored with cinnamon. This kid-friendly breakfast is sure to be a new family favorite.

Crunchy French toast instructions

  1. In between two slices of bread apply the chocolate spread. Dip it in a mixture of eggs and milk infused with cinnamon. Coat with coco-pops and fry with little butter. (alternate between the coco-pops and cheese balls). (put your coco-pops and cheese balls in a ziplock bag separately and smash with a spatula so it's just coarse and not smooth. This will give the toast a great crunch).

This crunchy, brioche French toast is a real crowd-pleaser! Crunchy French Toast Sandwiches are a nice dish for a special breakfast or brunch. Note: The original recipe called for a combination of cream cheese & sour cream but I used mascarpone cheese instead. I fixed crunchy french toast with fresh strawberries…and sausage for him. He was pleased to have some "man" food!

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